Friday 1 December 2017

Dude perfect


  1. Hello Reece, my name is Chevy I am from Red Hill School. I really like sports too. Do they all other sports tricks?

  2. Hi Reece, it is Connor and I go to Awahono. I do not think Dude perfect is fake and that they do have more than 200 videos.
    I like your blog post of Dude perfect, I think you should post a bit more on them.

  3. Hi reece it me Liam from your school nice work and facts they might be fake nice work. Liam.

  4. Kiaora my name is Justyce from Red Hill School.I liked that you posted a dude perfect and writhed about them.What kind of videos do you watch?

  5. Hello Reece,
    I would like to see the Term 2 goals that Ms D asked you to put up on your blog before the end of the week.

  6. Hi Reece again it Mariah I like that you posted about dude perfect.I have a question for you what is your favourite sport.


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